Empowering Students through Character Education.Join TCEW Initiative!

HB 1026 mandates every ISD and charter school to teach positive character traits. Through the TCEW Initiative, our goal is to create an inclusive platform where participating schools can share their best practices with one another, fostering efficient teaching of character-related TEKS objectives.<br><br>

As the planning committee, we encourage each participant school to actively celebrate Texas Character Education Week from November 13 to 17, 2023. To provide inspiration, we have compiled a list of activities held between 2019 and 2023. However, we recognize and value the uniqueness of each participant’s school identity. Thus, we welcome and expect schools to introduce their own distinctive activities, information, and photos. By doing so, we can consistently update this section for the upcoming years and effectively celebrate Character Education Week. 

Let’s collaborate and make Character Education Week a remarkable success, together!

Caring Service Learning Activities

Celebration Events

Character Stage Videos


Core Ethical Trait Live Sessions

Promising Practices

Core Ethical Trait Passports

Padlet Walls For Reflection


UNICEF Donation

Show Your Spirit Activities

Stars in the Character Sky Events

Twitter Chat

UNESCO Character Education Club