"Embarking on your school's character journey? Read this book!"
“I thoroughly enjoyed the book and am honored to craft a praise statement that captures the heart of the narratives. The story is refreshingly authentic and genuine, offering a raw account of SST’s journey that is both inspiring and motivating. “The themes of perseverance, leadership, and grit that thread through the narratives showcase the passion and caring nature of all involved parties. SST’s experiences are presented with a detailed perspective, providing readers with an organized and insightful glimpse into the transformative journey. “What truly stands out is the honest exploration of the highs and lows over five years. The staff members’ ability to navigate challenges becomes a guiding light for those seeking to make a meaningful impact in their school or district through character education.”
Jason Lamping Director, CHARACTER COUNTS! Business Development | Drake University“Zekeriya Yuksel’s book is truly a wealth of wisdom and a valuable resource for educators and school administrators. His dedication to the implementation of's 11 Principles is truly inspiring in the context of character and social and emotional education. I have had the privilege of witnessing Mr. Yuksel’s passion and dedication, as well as that of the School of Science and Technology, over the years. I am confident that their book will serve as a guiding manual for schools seeking to nurture character development and virtue in their students – qualities that are much needed to shape a future for our society with great promise. I am honored to have been a part of this meaningful endeavor through the partnership we developed with them via our Be Peace - Be Hope socio-emotional well-being and skill development platform. “Their commitment to their students and community is truly commendable, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have supported their students and educators through their collaborative invitation. This community effort, where we grow by learning from one another and uniting forces, has been both inspiring and rewarding.” “Their commitment to their students and community is truly commendable, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have supported their students and educators through their collaborative invitation. This community effort, where we grow by learning from one another and uniting forces, has been both inspiring and rewarding.”
Karine Parker CEO and FounderBe-Peace – Be Hope“IT IS POSSIBLE is one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date books covering Character Education. In it, you’ll find valuable suggestions for use in a classroom, a school, a district, a community, or a family. It's loaded with practical, simple, and doable strategies that will help educators bring out the best in their students – the ultimate goal of Character Education. It is also well organized, so readers can easily go directly to the topics they are most interested in. Thank you, Zekeriya, for your valuable contribution to this important field.”
Dr. Hal Urban Author - Lessons from the Classroom: 20 Things Good Teachers Do“It IS POSSIBLE! The Journey for the School of Science and Technology for Character Education. This practical book represents great hope, testimony, and well-being for society. With the right leadership, trust, and research-based strategies, it IS POSSIBLE to foster virtues and character development for all stakeholders in a school community. The world needs educational leaders like the author Zekeriya Yuksel to foster flourishing communities in schools and universities, the ultimate goal of education. The author's vision, determination, and conviction are essential elements to succeed in the urgent and noble initiative of educating for character, contributing thus to progress, harmony, and a peaceful society where the highest ethical values prevail.”
Dr. Maricarmen Esper College Professor, Author and Researcher“A lone star appeared in the Texas character education sky in 2018. The first twinkle quickly turned into a bright light and soon exploded as a supernova known to us as Zekeriya Yuksel. It Is Possible: Character Education Journey of School of Science and Technology presents the culmination of the author’s tireless toil underwritten by the conviction that “each child has a right to character development. “Succeeding in life takes character and Mr. Yuksel’s guide distills the best practices, strategies, and tools for building a strong character that leads to a fulfilling life in a safe and supportive environment. “The author’s transformative know-how conveys the essentials of a viable character program. From determining the core ethical values to implementing strategies to the evaluation of character strength in students, you’ll find a friendly resource in these character chronicles. This transformative tour de force, authored by a man of the most formidable strength and the gentlest of hearts, is a major contribution to building a better society and world through motivational character education. It is an outstanding testimonial to the author’s character, determination, and unrelenting work on behalf of all students everywhere.”
Mila Makal Director of Character Education, Arizona Department of Education“In over a decade of working with schools, colleges, and universities, we have rarely come across someone who truly embodies the principles of genuine character education as meaningfully and genuinely as Zekeriya. He is the epitome of 'practicing what you preach'. Zekeriya fervently believes in the power of character education and the practical outcomes of encompassing the 11 principles. “Zack's attention to detail and passionate determination to help young people have more meaningful experiences inside and outside of education is powerful. A real embodiment of how one person, through dedication, a growth mindset, and consistent daily activities, can create real change and meaningful impact on a large scale. “Whilst many in education are scared to change or challenge long-standing tropes around what is and isn't possible... Zekeriya has embraced this new didactic approach, especially the integration of new technologies that cement these character-related practices in order to create real-life benefits for his learners thus, firmly establishing the benefits of character education for young people and how that plays out in the real world. His enthusiasm galvanizes those he comes into contact with, and his determination to make a real difference in the world is inspiring. “Sometimes all it takes is one person... to show people what is really possible.”
Andrew Donnelly Director, Kloodle.The digital platform that captures all aspects of character education and meaningful experiences